Upstairs, Downstairs is a British drama television series originally produced by London Weekend Television and revived by the BBC. It ran on ITV in 68 episodes divided into five series from 1971 to 1975.
Set in a large townhouse in Edwardian, First World War, and Inter-War Belgravia in London, the series depicted the lives of the servants "downstairs" and their masters "upstairs". Great events feature prominently in the episodes but minor or gradual changes are also noted. It stands as a document of the social and technological changes that occurred between 1903 and 1930.
In 1936, Sir Hallam Holland and his pretty young wife Lady Agnes return from a diplomatic posting abroad and take up residence at 165 Eaton Place...
The house used for the exterior shots of 165 Eaton Place was a real house and is still standing in London. Standing in for number 165, 65 Eaton Place had a digit 1 painted in front of the number each time before filming in a vague attempt to give the real occupants some sort of anonymity. The house survives practically unchanged from the early seventies although the interior is now separate flats instead of a single dwelling.
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